Particle Physics
Belle II
I am currently a member of the Belle II collaboration. My research focuses on developing fast machine learning algorithms on FPGAs to improve the efficiency of the Belle II L1 trigger.
Electron-Ion Collider
Before joining Belle II, I worked on the development and implementation of advanced machine learning algorithms for energy and angle reconstruction in the Zero-Degree Calorimeter for the future Electron-Ion Collider. Data from simulations was used to perform the first angle reconstruction for hadronic showers in the far-forward calorimetry using a graph neural network. I also worked with the ePIC collaboration on refinement and validation of a new DD4hep-based framework for simulation studies.
Condensed Matter Physics
Quantum Phase Transitions
I am working with Noah Charles on a novel method of introducing geometric disorder to the Chalker-Coddington network model in order to accurately compute the critical exponent for the integer quantum hall transition.